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G Suite Enterprise Edition

G Suite Enterprise Edition..!

Google recently launched Enterprise edition of it`s G Suite of cloud services for organisations. G Suite Enterprise is the premium office suite. In addition to everything available in G Suite Business, it includes advanced administrator controls and customization features.Having greater control and visibility when protecting sensitive assets, however, should also be a top concern in today’s world.So Google is giving customers the critical control and visibility they expect in G Suite with:

  • Powerful access control for administrators with security key enforcement.

  • Data control with Data Loss Prevention (DLP) for Google Drive, DLP for Gmail, and S/MIME for Gmail.

  • Analytics and insights by connecting BigQuery with Gmail.

Security key enforcement: For existing user Google has provided with 2 step verification option, With 2-step verification, admins can opt for their company to use Security Keys, which are both easier for users and more secure against common (phishing) attacks than other methods. Security Keys plug directly into a laptop or pair with a mobile device using Bluetooth or NFC, instead of receiving a code via text. Now in Enterprise edition,Google Team has added the ability for admins to enforce this measure by restricting login solely to users with a Security Key. Admins will also be able to manage the deployment of Security Keys and view usage reports.

Data loss prevention (DLP) for Google Drive: Google launched DLP for Gmail with easy-to-set-up rules, OCR image scan recognition and advanced customization. Now Google team extending DLP to Google Drive, making it even easier for admins to secure sensitive data, control what content can be stored and protect users from accidentally sharing confidential information externally. G Suite Enterprise DLP protection goes beyond standard DLP with easy-to-configure rules and OCR recognition of content stored in images so admins can easily enforce policies and control how data is shared.

S/MIME for Gmail: When it comes to Gmail security, there are dozens of security measures running behind the scenes to keep your emails safe, and Google supports industry-standard authentication to help combat email spoofing. Unfortunately, other email services that you exchange emails with might not take similar measures to protect your data, So due to this Google is offering additional protection by giving you the option to bring your own certificates for S/MIME encryption. Administrators will be able to enforce S/MIME usage and can set DLP rules based on specific organisational unit needs.

Gmail logs & BigQuery integration: Gmail logs contain valuable information that can help administrators diagnose issues or unlock insights.Now Google Team is making it easier to analyse Gmail logs with a pre-configured BigQuery integration so administrators can run sophisticated, high-performing custom queries, analyse their data and build custom dashboards.

Third-party email archiving: Google Vault helps you easily archive Gmail content while also complying with retention for legal holds and audit reporting. Here some organisations use other third-party SMTP archiving solutions like HP Autonomy or Veritas. So for them to make it simple to integrate third-party archiving solutions of your choice with Gmail.

All such exciting features are now embedded with G Suite Enterprise Edition now,
If you want to get more information on this G Suite Enterprise, feel free to contact us.