Use G Suite for work & save your Time, Money & Efforts..!!

posted Aug 27, 2016, 2:16 PM by Unknown user   [ updated Aug 27, 2016, 2:20 PM ]

Using your own domain name, We can help your organisation deploy Google Apps, including Gmail, Google Drive (file storage), Google Calendar and other web apps to your employees. It's all hosted by Google, saving your company the time, money and hassles of managing these IT solutions yourself..Here are some ‘hacks’ that are saving many organisations the most time and freeing them from redundant grunt-work.

Save money, save time and improve security.

Run your business instead of running your IT systems.

Google Apps is 1/3 the total cost of competing solutions,no special hardware or software is required for this, so you can totally focus on your business only.This will provide better reliability than on-premises solutions, with a 99.9% uptime guarantee (Premier edition)data can remain on Google's infrastructure, rather than on unsecured devices save the high costs of employing or buying in IT support.

One tip we like to share with small business owners is to consider using Google Apps. Google Apps will allow you to create a comprehensive collaboration space that includes access to email, calendars, document sharing, and more.

According to Google, “Google Apps offers simple, powerful communication and collaboration tools for any size business – all hosted by Google to streamline setup, minimize maintenance, and reduce IT costs.”

Save Money

By running your email through Google Apps you will no longer need to pay a separate fee for email from places like GoDaddy. Google Apps lets you run up to business emails with affordable price.

Save Time

Having your calendar, email, and documents all in one spot for you and all of your team is a HUGE time saver.  You can select what you share with other employees and what you keep private. Sharing and setup is managed through a central admin account. You can also access Google Apps from any computer or mobile device (iPad, smartphones, etc) connected to the internet.

Save Effort

Here at Fresh-lime we couldn’t live without Google Apps. It makes life so much simpler. We can create email addresses within minutes.  We share calendars with other team members with the push of a button. We also can create all of our documents (text documents, spreadsheets, slideshows, and more) inside the Documents feature and are able to share these with clients and other team members quickly. We can also export docs to .doc, .xls, .pdf formats so we can back them up on our computers.

Getting Started

To get started with Google Apps for your Business go to this website and sign up. Google offers an intuitive guide to walk you through the process of getting everything switched over.


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